Browse Articles By Tag: real estate
It is very easy to purchase a piece of real estate without using a real estate agent. You can do this by simply making direct contact with the seller. Generally, a purchaser of real estate uses a real estate agent in an effort to help finance the new home. (...)
16.05.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
Buying their first home is a dream that most people have. Whether that home is in a suburb or it is going to be in a condo downtown, a home is something that everyone aspires to at some point in their life. (...)
10.05.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
When marketing real estate there is usually a good deal happening. There are so many balls to maintain within the atmosphere that it may be mind-boggling, or otherwise it could seem overpowering. (...)
09.05.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
The success of any person connected with real estate -selling depends on his or her having the right skills for making the required sales. These skills are not something that can be easily acquired, but require constant dedication and hard work. (...)
09.05.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
Is it time to sell your house? Perhaps you have outgrown it and have found there is just not enough room since you had your last child. Or maybe you find yourself in just the opposite situation. (...)
09.05.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
Pricing your property is the most important aspect of selling your home. All homeowners believe their home is worth millions, but this is because it is home to you, but to potential buyers it is simply another property. (...)
08.05.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
You and your family have decided to move, and you are getting ready to sell your house. No doubt you want top dollar for it. Real estate brokers know all about how to stage a house so that it appeals to as many types of buyers as possible. (...)
07.05.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
Two complete fundamentals for promoting real estate in today's marketplace are to have a sensible perspecive about sales costs in the regions where you are selling and to experience a business knowledge of exactly where your own financial well being lies. (...)
07.05.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
If you have ever sold a piece of residential real estate, commercial real estate sales are pretty much the same. However, in many cases it is much less emotional because you don't live in your commercial property all day long. (...)
05.05.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
The first step in getting a home prepared for selling is to recognize that the house is no longer your home, but simply a product that needs to be sold. In an effort to get the highest price, there needs to be in emotional detachment where the homeowner looks at their...
04.05.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
Most home buyers do not have the cash to buy a home which forces them to obtain a mortgage to finance their purchase. The details related to your financing plans must be included in your offer to purchase as the offer will probably be dependent upon you obtaining...
04.05.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
Are you in the market for a new home? Then you are probably very excited. Buying a home is truly a major event in life. Most of us only buy two or three homes over our entire lifetime, so it is not something we are terribly experienced at. (...)
03.05.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
There are a lot of reasons why a person would want to sell their home. Perhaps they have a new job in a new city with the company that they work for. Or perhaps their children have left home and they would like to downsize and moving to a smaller apartment or trailer. (...)
03.05.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
Buying real estate today is a lot different than it was in the past because you have so many options to view the property before taking a look at it in person. There is a lot to learn about real estate buying, and a broker or real estate agent can get you started...
02.05.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
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